28 Results

Chief Executive Officer

Lucas Lentsch

Senior Vice President, Reputation & Insights

Doug Ackerman

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Director, Contract Compliance

Karen Baudendistel

Executive Vice President, Compliance

Darryl Chatman

Vice President, Board Relations & Farmer Outreach

Regina Cleary, PMP

Director, Sustainable Supply

Jack Cornell

Project Coordinator

Kimberly Dunn

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Sr Staff Accountant

Kari Albrecht Earll

Director, Investor and Industry Communications

Meghan Fullington

Director, Compliance

Audrey Green

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Manager, Compliance

Kristin Heinz

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Travel Coordinator

Hadley Hudson

Senior Director, Content Management and Brand Stewardship

Lisa Humphreys (Pine)

Executive Assistant

Brielle Huntebrinker

Office Assistant

Stacey Jackson

Senior Vice President, Marketing

John Jansen

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HR, Manager

Amber James

Executive Vice President, Strategy

Keenan McRoberts, PhD

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Director, Marketing-Food

Darren Moody

Director, Public Relations and Issues Management

Paul Murphy-Spooner

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Program Manager, Food

Dilip Nakhasi

Senior Manager, Financial Compliance

Stephen Pope

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Program Strategy Project Manager

Kayla Ratliff

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Executive Vice President, Finance

Sandi Schwarzen

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Assistant, Contract Compliance

Molly Thomas

Project Manager, Board Support

Heather Vorhees

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IT, Manager

Andrew Wagner

Staff Accountant

Nakia Wise

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