RFD-TV’s “Market Day Report”: USB Farmer-Leaders Approve $191.5M Budget for FY24

RFD-TV’s “Market Day Report” featured Meagan Kaiser, USB Chair, highlighting the USB July Meeting and how new investments will continue to advance the soybean industry.
“This budget is our largest ever, and that is a big part due to all of the investment from 515,000 farmers across the United States,” said Kaiser. “We’re putting those funds to use across the entire strategic plan that includes Infrastructure & Connectivity, Health & Nutrition, and Innovation & Technology in both the supply and demand area, in addition to communication and education.”
Kaiser detailed a few of the approved investments that she is excited about.
“One is in Infrastructure & Connectivity in demand, and here we’re identifying and addressing infrastructure and logistical constraints limiting market entry and expansion of existing and new soybean technologies,” said Kaiser. “And we’re also exploring innovative soy-based materials, recycling and new-to-processing technologies for soybean oil and meal.”