Soybean Meal Increases Weight Gain Efficiency in Growing Pigs

Swine diets have undergone significant changes over the last 20 years to the exclusion of soybean meal, but results from a research study funded by the soy checkoff confirm the positive relationship between soybean meal and improved total weight gain and feed use efficiency in growing pigs. During those years, pricing became the dominant factor driving ingredient decisions, with little consideration given to the intrinsic value soybean meal contributes as an essential source of health-promoting compounds and amino acids.
A collaboration between soy checkoff strategy, science and Animal Nutrition Working Group experts, the study also revealed that health benefits of soybean meal are more pronounced when swine experience respiratory challenges. This could be of greater importance during summer months when average daily gains become even more important to achieve market weights.
Study highlights were recently published in National Hog Farmer.