Top 10 Reasons to Grow High Oleic Soy

There is no better time than the present to add high oleic soybeans to your crop management plan. However, if you’re still not sure on why you should plant High Oleic (HO) soy varieties, this list of the “top 10 reasons to grow high oleic soybeans” is a good place to start.
- It’s easier than you think — There are no significant agronomic changes needed when planting high oleic soybeans.
- No yield drag — Genetics have improved, and yields are on par with traditional soybeans.
- Domestic demand — It’s projected that more than 1 million acres of high oleic soybeans will need to be planted by 2022 to meet food processor demands.
- Premium advantage — Add more profit to your bottom line with a high oleic premium of up to $1/bushel, with the same yields as traditional soybeans.
- Double-crop opportunity — Depending on where you farm, high oleic soybeans are an ideal option in a double-cropping management strategy.
- Easy-to-manage IP protocols — Whether you use on-farm storage or direct delivery to the elevator, keeping your high oleic soybeans safe and segregated is simple.
- Seed available and more coming! — You will have more HOSoy varieties and suppliers to choose from in time for the 2023 planting season.
- Realize profit potential — Visit to compare the profit potential of raising HOSoy.
- Finding a market — As demand for your HOSoy crop grows, so do your options to market those beans. Visit the Elevator Finder to find the elevator nearest you.
- Available pest control strategies — Visit for weed, insect and disease management strategies for HOSoy beans.