Your Soy Checkoff Offers Agronomic Support in All Areas
Production Resources for You
Have you ever found yourself in a pinch, quickly trying to find information on a problem in the field? Your soy checkoff is dedicated to giving you the most up-to-date, unbiased agronomic information to help you grow profits on your farm from the soil up.
The checkoff works with experts, from university researchers and extension specialists to leaders at major agrochemical companies, to develop resources you can keep in the truck — or on your phone — and use while you’re in the field. Checkoff investments support translating research into on-farm application with resources and information on pesticide-resistance management, soybean cyst nematode management, crop protection, production research results and more.
Take Action: Pesticide-Resistance Management is a farmer-focused education platform dedicated to helping farmers manage herbicide, fungicide and insect resistance. Take Action provides research-backed resources and tools to help farmers adopt management practices that lessen the impacts of resistant pests and preserve current and future crop protection technology. Take Action is an industrywide initiative informed by land-grant university weed scientists, plant pathologists and entomologists and endorsed by major ag chemical companies, ag-focused professional organizations and the soy, corn, cotton, sorghum and wheat commodity groups.
The SCN Coalition offers management resources and downloadable tools to combat the evolving threat from soybean cyst nematodes. From scouting and soil testing resources to in-depth presentations and training, the coalition encourages farmers and agronomists to take the test and beat the pest. The SCN Coalition is a diverse group of university researchers, extension specialists and ag industry representatives, supported by a variety of industrywide organizations, including your soy checkoff.
The Crop Protection Network provides publications, tools and training for farmers and ag professionals to inform row crop management decisions, including corn, small grains and soybeans. CPN, with support from your soy checkoff, enhances the visibility and success of agricultural extension while providing important soybean crop protection information.
Soybean Research and Information Network (SRIN)
The Soybean Research and Information Network is your source for the checkoff research driving soybean innovation. SRIN provides checkoff research highlights from your state and translates the results into agronomic resources so you can apply the findings on your farm.
Don’t find yourself in a pinch when you need agronomic information — and fast. Put your soy checkoff investment to work with these resources to help you tackle many of the problems that could arise in your fields.