The FY23 RFC submission period has closed.

Background and Purpose of USB FY23 Request for Concepts:

The United Soybean Board (USB) launched a new strategic plan on October 1, 2021 that focuses on value to U.S. soybean farmers through reputation, differentiation and resilience. To launch the new strategic plan, USB seeks conceptual ideas for FY23 research and promotion programs based upon the organization’s strategic plan with special attention to our goals of resilience, differentiation and reputation.

We encourage and support creative, innovative solutions to existing identified challenges and emerging or previously unidentified opportunities for value creation. We encourage submission of soundly justified and strategically aligned concepts that creatively define and build on previous program work as well as new, innovative, and multiyear ideas. USB farmer-directors will assess submitted concepts using the following criteria:

  • Strategic Alignment
  • Market Impact
  • Partnerships

Submission Deadline: Noon CST, 12/10/2021

Background Information and Resources:

Questions and timeline: If you have questions, submit them to by November 30, 2021. USB will respond to questions received by December 3, 2021. Questions and responses will be posted on the USB website by December 3, 2021 under the USB FY23 Request for Concepts section under the Partner menu. Concept submission deadline: December 10, 2021.

FY23 Concept Submission Questions:

Q: If I am proposing a three-year duration, should the estimated budget be the total for all three years or only the estimated budget for the first year?

A: Estimated budget should be the total for the full duration.

Q: Are there established budgets and timelines?

A: There is no upper or lower funding limit or duration. You should propose the budget and duration necessary to complete the work.

Q: Do you have any benchmarks for the new goals? For the priority areas? Is there anything else in terms of measurements that goes above/beyond the already stated measurable goals on the website?

A: KPIs for the measurable goals are listed under each goal:

Q: Is there baseline research or data we can access? Audience personas? Consumer perception research?

A: General information about prior funded work can be accessed at the following sites:

and associated websites as listed under the Concept Submission Guidelines.

Q: Do you have an identified audience &/or segments per initiative? Are we marketing to the consumer, general public, or more B2B? Is there a priority of one versus the other?

A: The audience varies by program. At the concept stage, the audience should be broad and foundational.

Q: Are there any media commitments in place? (TV, billboard, digital ads, video/photo, etc.)

A: USB welcomes concepts for new media commitments. Any media commitments already in place are dedicated to existing efforts.

Q: Can you identify past successes or any existing partnerships we could utilize? What consumer-facing campaigns have/have not worked? What B2B campaigns have/have not worked?

A: General information about prior funded work can be accessed at the following sites:

and associated websites as listed under the Concept Submission Guidelines.

Concept submission instructions: Concepts must be submitted through USB’s new submission portal. Please use the button below to access the Concept Submission Form. USB farmer-directors will review submissions between December and February. Idea submission does not guarantee an invitation to further develop this concept with USB nor does it ensure inclusion in USB’s FY23 plan of work.

Submit a Concept