Tools & Resources

High Oleic Soybeans
High oleic soybeans are varieties developed with farmers and their customers in mind. For elevators and processors, demand is growing. For farmers, they can earn a premium without the usual premium hassles.
High Oleic Soybeans 
Stay smart on the ever-evolving opportunities with agricultural carbon markets and programs. Your checkoff has developed an educational toolbox to help you sort through the options and determine whether they’re a good fit for your farm. Find more on agricultural carbon, public resources, carbon programs and practices, and legal considerations here.
USB Carbon Toolbox 
Tools & Calculators
Supply, demand, markets, margins and more – data makes the soy industry world go around. Here, you can find the tools and resources to spotlight production and demand and how that impacts the soy industry and your operation.
Tools & Calculators 
Research Database
Boosting yields and profitability is a problem-by-problem, product-by-product, state-by-state endeavor. And your soy checkoff is on the job with research projects to tackle your local challenges and demands. The soybean checkoff research database tracks the latest research and resources by disease, pest, state and more.
Research Database 
Industry Partner Sites
It takes a lot of knowledge and expertise to optimize your yield and marketing opportunities. Our industry partners help us protect your yield and interests while opening new doors, so you can deliver the highest yield possible to your local elevator, and every bushel has a buyer to go to anywhere in the world.
Industry Partner Sites