Carbon Market Programs
Carbon market program information was collected from the program websites and in some cases, interviews with program representatives. For the most up-to-date information about the programs, please view their websites. Program representation on this site does not represent USB endorsement of any of the programs.
To learn more about each carbon market program, click on the program logos below.
Programs are sorted in alphabetical order.
Program selection guide
CONTRACT LENGTHThe length of the contract a farmer must sign to enroll in the program
Program <5 years 5 years 10 years Unclear/ No details yet Agoro Carbon Alliance Bayer CarbonNOW Cargill CIBO Corteva Agriscience ESMC Farmers Edge Gradable Grassroots Carbon Indigo Carbon Nori Nutrien Rabobank Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Truterra -
LAND TENURE AND CONTROLMust land be owned to participate?
Program Yes No No (need permission or proof) Unclear Agoro Carbon Alliance Bayer CarbonNOW Cargill CIBO Corteva Agriscience ESMC Farmers Edge Gradable Grassroots Carbon Indigo Carbon Nori Nutrien Rabobank Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Truterra -
ELIGIBLE PRACTICESPractices credited by the programs
Program Tillage practices (reduced till, no-till, strip till) Cropping (cover cropping, crop rotation and crop diversity) Nitrogen efficiency practices (e.g. ,use of nitrogen inhibitors, split apps, in-season apps) Grazing Management Agoro Carbon Alliance Bayer CarbonNOW Cargill CIBO Corteva Agriscience ESMC Farmers Edge Gradable Grassroots Carbon Indigo Carbon Nori Nutrien Rabobank Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Truterra Practices credited by the programs are ever-evolving and we expect additional practices to be added over time.
AGRICULTURAL SYSTEM FOCUSThe agricultural system the carbon program is focused on
Program Row Crops Specialty Crops (including orchards, vineyards) Livestock Agoro Carbon Alliance Bayer CarbonNOW Cargill CIBO Corteva Agriscience ESMC Farmers Edge Gradable Grassroots Carbon Indigo Carbon Nori Nutrien Rabobank Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Truterra Some of these programs use COMET- which allows for specialty crops so they could credit specialty crops in the future
ELEMENTS OF VERIFICATIONVerification activities used by the program to collect data from the farm
Program Site visit (Program representative visits farm) Soil sampling (Farmer or program representative collects data soil samples) Satellite imagery (Remote sensing technology is used) Desktop review (No site visit, only rely on farmer data) Agoro Carbon Alliance Bayer CarbonNOW Cargill CIBO Corteva Agriscience ESMC Farmers Edge Gradable Grassroots Carbon Indigo Carbon Nori Nutrien Program still in pilot phase, details will be added as they become available Rabobank Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Truterra Almost all programs use several methods to verify practices and to ultimately measure the amount of carbon sequestered.
SOIL CARBON QUANTIFICATIONThe quantification method is how the soil carbon impact is calculated for each program
Program Pay for Practice (Practices known to have carbon impact) Modeled (Estimate of carbon impact without sampling) Measured (Quantification from soil sampling) Combined Approach (Use of soil sampling and modeling) Agoro Carbon Alliance Bayer CarbonNOW Cargill CIBO Corteva Agriscience ESMC Farmers Edge Gradable Grassroots Carbon Indigo Carbon Nori Rabobank Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Truterra -
AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION TYPEThis is the organization/company type that the carbon program is affiliated with.
Program Agricultural Retailers & Service Providers Crop Input Companies Start-up Companies Non-profits Agoro Carbon Alliance Bayer CarbonNOW Cargill CIBO Corteva Agriscience ESMC Farmers Edge Gradable Grassroots Carbon Indigo Carbon Nori Nutrien Rabobank Soil and Water Outcomes Fund Truterra